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What Carlson says about the Master's in Service Management, Retail

Carlson from TanzaniaWhat is the best thing about your programme?“There are so many layers to uncover when describing the uniqueness of this Master’s programme. The international diversity of both staff members and students stands out. You learn to look at things from a global perspective, which is a vital element for me. The programme is well tailored and highly competitive and gives students the - 2025-01-15

What Dorothy says about the Master's in Service Management, Supply Chain Management

Dorothy from KenyaWhat is the best thing about your programme?“There are two things that I love about the programme – the introduction and the resources available for students’ support.I particularly like how the programme was introduced. We got a clear outline on when, how and why the field came into existence. This enables us to build on the current framework and also to see what the future for - 2025-01-15

What Jean says about the Master's in Service Management, Sustainable Service Management

Jean from SwitzerlandWhat is the best thing about your programme?“Without a doubt, the interdisciplinary nature and the cultural exchanges are the best part. In this Master’s programme, every single student has a different professional and cultural background. As a manager, I cherish being exposed to different ways of thinking. When we work in a group, everyone will see the assignment under a diff - 2025-01-15

What Hsuan-Yu says about the Master's in Service Management, Tourism

Hsuan-Yu from TaiwanWhat is the best thing about your programme?“It is diverse in terms of nationalities. I can get abundant knowledge directly from my classmates, not just from the books and other secondary sources. The professors and classmates I’ve met here are so friendly.”Why did you choose the specialisation Tourism?“I love to travel and discover different cultures in the world. Therefore, I - 2025-01-15

Pro Vice-Chancellor Per Mickwitz

Pro Vice-Chancellor for Research, Sustainability and Campus Development Pro Vice-Chancellor Per Mickwitz. Photo: Charlotte Carlberg Bärg. Per Mickwitz is a professor of environmental policy and a former director of the International Institute for Industrial Environmental Economics (IIIEE). He has worked for many years at the Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE) in roles such as researcher and rese - 2025-01-15

Pro Vice-Chancellor Viktor Öwall

Pro Vice-Chancellor for Research Infrastructure, PhD-education, IT and External Engagement Pro Vice-Chancellor Viktor Öwall. Photo: Charlotte Carlberg Bärg. Viktor Öwall is a professor of integrated electronic systems. He obtained a Master of Science and doctoral degree in electrical engineering in 1988 and 1994 respectively. From 1995 to 1996 he was a postdoc at the University of California in Lo - 2025-01-15

What Simon says about some of the Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality courses

Simon Holk's experiences of some of the Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality courses"Working with course assignments in the Virtual Reality Lab really was the pinnacle of my time at Lund University! In the University’s VR course you learn the necessary theory to design VR applications as well as the hands-on knowledge needed to get you started in creating VR applications. You get to use your crea - 2025-01-15

Konstnärligt masterprogram i musik, interpretation diplom

Interpretation Diplom är utbildningen är för dig som vill satsa på en solistisk karriär som sångare eller instrumentalist inom västerländsk konstmusik. Den konstnärliga och professionella nivån är mycket hög och du kommer att ges väl utvecklade kunskaper och färdigheter i musikalisk instudering och interpretation. Examinationen är omfattande; en solokonsert/recital, en kammarmusikkonsertThe Master’s programme in Music, Interpretation Diploma is aimed at students who want to invest in a solo career as a singer or instrumentalist in Western art music. The artistic and professional level is very high and you will be given well-developed knowledge and skills in both musical study and interpretation. The examination is extensive; one solo concert/recital, one chamber music concert and

Konstnärligt masterprogram i musik, komposition diplom

Masterutbildningen Komposition Diplom vänder sig till dig som vill utveckla ditt konstnärsskap som tonsättare med inriktning mot västerländsk nutida konstmusik. Denna specialiserade kompositionsutbildning syftar till att utbilda tonsättare med mycket hög konstnärlig och professionell förmåga med inriktning mot högt kvalificerade arbetsuppgifter. Studierna innebär fördjupning och specialisering inoThe Master’s programme in Music, Composition Diploma, is aimed at students who want to develop their artistry as a composer with a focus on Western contemporary art music. The programme is designed to develop future composers with great artistic and professional ability through a specialised education in composition focusing on highly qualified tasks. The programme involves in-depth studies a

Litteratur - kultur - medier, Skandinaviska studier - Masterprogram

The aim of the programme is to strengthen students’ historical knowledge and theoretical understanding of relations between literature, culture and modern media. The student can choose to specialise in Children's and Adolescent, English, French, General, German, Russian, Spanish, or Yiddish literature, and in Scandinavian studies. There are theoretical courses, discussing aesthetic and cultural toThe aim of the programme is to strengthen students’ historical knowledge and theoretical understanding of relations between literature, culture and modern media. The student can choose to specialise in Children's and Adolescent, English, French, General, German, Russian, Spanish, or Yiddish literature, and in Scandinavian studies. There are theoretical courses, discussing aesthetic and cultural to

Konstnärligt masterprogram i kyrkomusik, Orgel och klaver

Musikhögskolan i Malmö erbjuder kvalificerade yrkesutbildningar på kandidat- och masternivå för blivande musiker, kompositörer och kyrkomusiker för professionell verksamhet i orkestrar och ensembler eller som musiker i församlingar inom Svenska kyrkan eller andra trossamfund. Under utbildningstiden utvecklar du de kunskaper och färdigheter du behöver för att på hög konstnärlig nivå kunna verkThe Malmö Academy of Music offers advanced professional first and second cycle programmes for prospective singers, musicians, composers and church musicians for work in orchestras and ensembles or as a church musician within the Church of Sweden or within other denominations. During the period of study, you will develop the knowledge and skills you need in order to work at a high artistic level in

Konstnärligt masterprogram i musik, Blockflöjt

Musikhögskolan i Malmö erbjuder kvalificerade yrkesutbildningar på kandidat- och masternivå för blivande musiker, kompositörer och kyrkomusiker för professionell verksamhet i orkestrar och ensembler samt för en växande frilansmarknad. Genom att studera vid något av musikerprogrammen vid Musikhögskolan i Malmö förbereder du dig inför ett framtida professionellt musikerskap som solist och/eller enseThe Malmö Academy of Music offers advanced professional first and second cycle programmes for prospective singers, musicians, composers and church musicians for work in orchestras and ensembles and for the growing freelance market. Studies in one of the performance programmes at the Malmö Academy of Music will prepare you for future professional musicianship as a soloist and/or ensemble and orches

Litteratur - kultur - medier, Rysk litteratur - Masterprogram

The aim of this programme is to strengthen students’ historical knowledge and theoretical understanding of relations between literature, culture and modern media. You can choose to specialise in Children's and Adolescent, English, French, General, German, Russian, Spanish, or Yiddish literature, and in Scandinavian studies. There are theoretical courses, discussing aesthetic and cultural topics ofThe aim of the programme is to strengthen students’ historical knowledge and theoretical understanding of relations between literature, culture and modern media. The student can choose to specialise in Children's and Adolescent, English, French, General, German, Russian, Spanish, or Yiddish literature, and in Scandinavian studies. There are theoretical courses, discussing aesthetic and cultural to

Litteratur - kultur - medier, Spanskspråkig litteratur - Masterprogram

The aim of the programme is to strengthen students’ historical knowledge and theoretical understanding of relations between literature, culture and modern media. The student can choose to specialise in Children's and Adolescent, English, French, General, German, Russian, Spanish, or Yiddish literature, and in Scandinavian studies. There are theoretical courses, discussing aesthetic and cultural toThe aim of the programme is to strengthen students’ historical knowledge and theoretical understanding of relations between literature, culture and modern media. The student can choose to specialise in Children's and Adolescent, English, French, General, German, Russian, Spanish, or Yiddish literature, and in Scandinavian studies. There are theoretical courses, discussing aesthetic and cultural to

Språk och språkvetenskap, Engelska - Masterprogram

The MA in Language and Linguistics is intended for students who are interested in increasing the knowledge of language in a broad sense and the theoretical understanding of linguistic questions. In the language specific specialization subjects, an additional goal is to develop the student’s language proficiency and knowledge of the language. Students can choose between seven different specializatiThe MA in Language and Linguistics is intended for students who are interested in increasing the knowledge of language in a broad sense and the theoretical understanding of linguistic questions. In the language specific specialization subjects, an additional goal is to develop the student’s language proficiency and knowledge of the language. Students can choose between seven different specializati

Språk och språkvetenskap, Svenska som andraspråk - Masterprogram

The MA in Language and Linguistics is intended for students who are interested in increasing the knowledge of language in a broad sense and the theoretical understanding of linguistic questions. In the language specific specialization subjects, an additional goal is to develop the student’s language proficiency and knowledge of the language. Students can choose between seven different specializatiThe MA in Language and Linguistics is intended for students who are interested in increasing the knowledge of language in a broad sense and the theoretical understanding of linguistic questions. In the language specific specialization subjects, an additional goal is to develop the student’s language proficiency and knowledge of the language. Students can choose between seven different specializati

Tillämpad beräkningsvetenskap, Kemi - Masterprogram

Avancerade beräkningar blir ett allt viktigare inslag i både forskning och näringsliv. På detta masterprogram lär du dig studera olika komplexa kemiska processer och hur beräkningsvetenskapen kan bidra till kunskapsutvecklingen i samhället. Några exempel på aktuella infallsvinklar är inom miljö- och klimatförändringar, klimatanpassning, naturvård och kemikalierisker, biologisk mångfald och ekosystAdvanced computations are increasingly important in research and business. On this Master’s programme you will learn how to study complex processes within chemistry, and how computational science can contribute to knowledge evolution in society. Some examples of angles to focus on could be environmental and climate change, climate adaptation, environmental protection and chemical risks, biodiversi

Allmän språkvetenskap: Språket och hjärnan

I kursen studeras relationen mellan centrala nervsystemets strukturer och språkliga och kommunikativa funktioner i relation till andra kognitiva funktioner, t.ex. synen. Grundläggande begrepp i neuroanatomi genomgås, samt neurofysiologiska korrelat till språkets komponenter, fonetik/fonologi, morfologi, semantik/pragmatik och syntax, belyses. Modeller för neurokognitiva representationer och bearbeThe course studies the connections between the structure of the central nervous system and linguistic and communicative functions in relation to other cognitive functions such as sight. Basic concepts in neuroanatomy are discussed and the neuro-psychological correlatives of various linguistic components such as phonetics/phonology, morphology, semantics/pragmatics and syntax are examined. Models o

Språk och språkvetenskap, Klassiska språk - Masterprogram

The MA in Language and Linguistics is intended for students who are interested in increasing the knowledge of language in a broad sense and the theoretical understanding of linguistic questions. In the language specific specialization subjects, an additional goal is to develop the student’s language proficiency and knowledge of the language. Students can choose between seven different specializatiThe MA in Language and Linguistics is intended for students who are interested in increasing the knowledge of language in a broad sense and the theoretical understanding of linguistic questions. In the language specific specialization subjects, an additional goal is to develop the student’s language proficiency and knowledge of the language. Students can choose between seven different specializati

Språk och språkvetenskap, Lingvistik - Masterprogram

The MA in Language and Linguistics is intended for students who are interested in increasing the knowledge of language in a broad sense and the theoretical understanding of linguistic questions.  Students can choose between seven different specializations and 18 subject areas. Note however that not all specializations and subject areas are offered every year. For the intake in 2024, the folloThe MA in Language and Linguistics is intended for students who are interested in increasing the knowledge of language in a broad sense and the theoretical understanding of linguistic questions.  Students can choose between seven different specializations and 18 subject areas. Note however that not all specializations and subject areas are offered every year. For the intake in 2024, the follo